20 Jan 2012

hallo tumblr

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Aku ingin menjelaskan lagi di lain hari
see ya 

26 Dec 2011

Can your brain melt?

Lol. Technically, sure if you're in a fire, or too close to the Sun. Otherwise, no. However, you can lose connections between cells within the brain that "zap" info to other parts of your brain that make you respond. This happens with age. It is believed that long term marijuana smoking does this.
Science has shown that you can improve the connections with different brain exercises, such as improving memorization skills (numbers, letters, and object placements), concentration kinds of games, and other knowledge builders.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Can_your_brain_melt#ixzz1heXC1HCQ

24 Dec 2011

Deathly Hallows in Empire’s Top 20 Movies of 2011

Empire Online has released their list of the Top 10 Movies of 2011 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II comes in at Number 4! Matthew Lewis fans will particularly enjoy the “Money Moment,” read below to see why.
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows – Part 2
A decade of franchise dominance ended spectacularly. Forever.
Released: July 15
Talent: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, David Yates (director)
Box office: $1.3 billion
Money moment: Neville Longbottom stands up to Voldemort and his cackling Death Eaters. “They didn’t die in vain. But you will!”
Empire line: “The effects have never been better, the sets more beautifully designed nor the explosions bigger.”
What to say: “Finite incantatem!” (Then cry uncontrollably.)
via http://www.matthew-lewis.com